Here is another Floppy Copy Crew disk, CD #09, and its a modem/terminal disk!
- Vanterm 2.4
- Flashdl - Flash Batch Download Do File Generator 1.0
- UniTerm 2.0e
- Pack-Et-Term-Help
- Terminal Program Xmodem Protocol
- Sola Term 0.98
- Bmodem 2.3a
- Jam-Term beta
- YARP (Yet Anothey RTTY Program) 2.0
- STerminal VT52 3.0
- STar-Term 1.0
- Flying STart 1.05
- Flash
- faSTcom
- WXYModem
Scroll Text Transcription -
Yeah here we go again. . . . . . And this time its COMMS 1 this disk is also the AUTOMASHUN slagging scroller. First of all our answers to Automation's competition. . . . . . for those who don't remember on menu 159 they asked what did LSD and ABC man stand for ? ? ? so press space for our answers. . . . . . . . A little bit of slagging from ~ coming up. . . . . Don't deal or have anything to do with a major dickhead called BAZIL (London) because he is so full of hot air that pretty soon he is going to blow himself up, he promises everything & delivers nothing and also steals disks. Now its Dal Snuff's turn. . . . . If you nick utils from other groups @'s (Such as \'s) remember to credit them with the appropriate greetings or repack the util yourself (Love the POMP1 decrunch on 2.3R or JAM 1.4 on Knife ST and Disk Doctor etc with our decrunch message!!!) Now its Automashun's turn. . . . . what happened on disk 236 did one of your members escape from the loony bin or was he just plain stupid, I have never seen so much rubbish & offensive language on 1 @ in my life. Please try and remember who keeps you going: namely Joe Public who have parents and are also youngsters, this is not a very good example to set. You slagged Alien of The Pompey Pirates for doing exactly the same thing. So grow up and get on with what YOU say you are best at doing - - - menus and stop slagging everyone off Ok ^ back on the keyboard, my turn for a quick question to Automation. . . . . . I thought your policy was to include all the files to anything you did So how come you missed 100+ files from QUARTET ! ! ! ! also on the subject of QUARTET I noticed that you included the Monochrome files yet your menu won't work in HiRes ! ! Nice one guys ! ! So those people wanting QUARTET get a copy of our @ 2 which contains the FULL version and I won't even start to comment on your version of AUTOROUTE so stick to what YOU think you're good at: games menus
As usual this @ works in ALL resolutions \ members are ^ < ~ < | < [ Greetings go to: NEW ORDER (Esp EDDIE) - POMPEY PIRATES (Esp LAWZ) - ST AMIGOS (Esp Sheri) - The MEDWAY BOYS - SEWER (For their Docs) - F.O.F.T - TCB - STCS (Esp Rach) - The BOUNTY HUNTERS (Esp The Cosmic Pirate) - TEDDYSTACKER - The DEMO CLUB (Esp John) - The EMPIRE - HOTLINE - The LOST BOYS - The DIRTY TRICKS BRIGADE . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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