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Sunday, September 30, 2018

M.U.L.E. - Atari 800/XL/XE [001] Playthru

Title Screen
This game was part of the first batch of games from Electronic Arts, and one of my all time favorite games.  It is hard to be objective for a game that might easily be in the top ten of my favorite all time games!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Atari ST Demo / Intro [003] Axxis - Mega-Bob-Demo

My exposure to smaller demos was quite limited. Mainly I was exposed to the MegaDemos, like the Cuddley Demos, and Mindbomb, so I will have very few experiences to share for theses demos/intros.  I do plan to transcribe the scroll text, which will be posted in a companion blog entry linked above.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [060] Deep Thought CD #001

Here is Deep Thoughts's CD #001, who seem to have been so stuck in their thoughts that this was potentially their only release!  If you find more, please share!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Double Dragon - Atari ST [016] PlayThru

Title Screen
Double Dragon by Melbourne House for the ST is a decent effort, but it lacks stage music.  If only they had not left out the stage music, then the only complaint I would have would be the controls, which have only one joystick button.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Atari ST Cracktro [023] Bastards International from Grand Prix Formula One

Main Screen
I will not have too many stories to write for 'CrackTros' (Demo screens that appeared as introductions to cracked video games) as I did not have very many of these back in the day.  I am mainly recording these now because they are art, and need to be preserved.  I will also attempt to transcribe the scroll text, which will be posted in a companion blog entry linked above.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Double Dragon PSG - Sega Master System [013] PlayThru

Title Screen
NOTE: A trainer was used for making this capture.

TWO Player DOUBLE DRAGON!  Yes, I still definitely prefer the PSG version of this game over the FM version.  Like I said in the previous video's description, I might prefer some tunes in FM, but I think the PSG experience overall is better, at least to me.  Again, I grew up with PSG.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Atari ST Cracktro [022] Bastards International from Brides of Dracula

Main Screen
I will not have too many stories to write for 'CrackTros' (Demo screens that appeared as introductions to cracked video games) as I did not have very many of these back in the day.  I am mainly recording these now because they are art, and need to be preserved.  I will also attempt to transcribe the scroll text, which will be posted in a companion blog entry linked above.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [166] Medway Boys #008

Medway Boys CD #008, same image as the previous menu, again, no music or scroller.

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [165] Medway Boys #007

Medway Boys CD #007, no music or scrolltext on this release.

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [164] Medway Boys #002

Medway Boys compacted Disk #002, no music, no scroller!  Now lets bust some games!

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [163] Medway Boys #001

As the menu/scroller that was going up today had a copyright claim against it on YouTube, in it's place I am posting 4 Medway Boys menus that lack scrollers, and even music.  Here is the first compacted disk from The Medway Boys, and today's first post of 4!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Double Dragon FM - Sega Master System [012] PlayThru

Title Screen

 NOTE: A trainer was used for making this capture.

TWO Player DOUBLE DRAGON!  Can you handle it?  Ah, the glory days of the original Sega versus Nintendo console war.  Nintendo got Double Dragon first, but it was a single player game, so a marketing point for Sega was that this game was two players!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Atari ST Cracktro [021] 16-Bit Crew from Rocket Ranger

Main Screen
I will not have too many stories to write for 'CrackTros' (Demo screens that appeared as introductions to cracked video games) as I did not have very many of these back in the day.  I am mainly recording these now because they are art, and need to be preserved.  I will also attempt to transcribe the scroll text, which will be posted in a companion blog entry linked above.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Vigilante PSG - Sega Master System [011] PlayThru

Title Screen
NOTE: A trainer was used for making this capture.

I have down a playthru of this game using FM; here is the PSG version.  I think I actually prefer the PSG version overall, but I think the FM version does have some benefits for certain stages.  Again, this might be familiarity for me, as the FM sound was a newer experience since I grew up with games using PSG sound.