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Sunday, December 15, 2019

X-Mass by Paranoia / Lunatic Asylum - Atari ST Demo - The 25ish Days of Christmas - Day [15/25]

What does milk, Pupsi, Windows 95, and a razor blade have in common? They are all parts of the X-Mass demo from 1998.  I was unable to find releases to use for 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997!  Lost to time, or was nothing released?

DemoZoo Entry -
Pouët Entry -
Fujiology Download -

That is a hard question for me to answer.  I was thrown into the PC world at that time, as I was in college over that period, but I did take time to be drawn back in when PacifiST was released, archiving many of my disks. 

This Christmastime demo from Paranoia & Lunatic Asylum was written in STOS.  The razor blade really seems out of place to me! This demo was the only Christmasy one I could find from 1998.

Capture info -

This video was captured on October 21, 2019.

The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.

Video was edited with Shotcut.

Scroll Text Transcription -

Best used: before 11.7.2003: Best used: before 21.3.2001: Best used: before 01.1.2000: Seasons Greetings to:: Adrenaline, ACF, Avena, Aura,: Checkpoint, Cobra, Cream, DHS, Elite, Escape, Eko, Exa, F2, Fun, Idemline, Inter, Ipir,: LouD,Mind Design,Mystic Bytes, Nature, New Beat Dev., No-Crew, PoD, Popsy Team,: RDT, Reservoir Gods, Sentry,  Senior Dads, Sentry, Sector One, !STAX, Syntax, teenage, tnb, tSCc,: Typhoon, Vectronix,: Wildfire, YesCrew. And also to the groups Rebelsoft, SmartSOFT,: Empty Head, Seriouz Therapy, Titan Designs, CenTek, and every MiNT-supporter.: Special greetings to every member of: The Lunatic Asylum:: Deez and The Viking (MD) ST Survivor and Thyrex (LouD): Mr.Future, Luebke, TNT,  Strange, Der Komtur and: Marcstar (Paranoia). Further to special people: Rich Davey of course,  Michael Ruge - a good friend,: Axel Gehringer, David Encill,: Nick Bales, Henry Dahmen,: Neil Briscombe and the whole STOS mailing list bunch, Anthony Jacques, Matthew Smith,: Everyone of the Opposition,: Jacky of ACF, Quiet, Draco,: Partycle, Brume, ManGuE and: everybody yet unmentioned: of the IRC #atariscne, : especially s0mebody. ...: Have a nice christmas, a happy and healthy new year,: and may Atari live long ...: and prosper. ...: Credits: All code, GFX and music: by The Paranoid with a little help from Luebke with the music. All code in STOS and 68k ASM - thanks to Evil of DHS and Tat of Avena. Music replay by XLR8.: ...: Paranoia signing off for 1998 ... which was a good year for us ... See you all again in 1999. ...:

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