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Friday, December 6, 2019

X-MAS 1989 - Atari ST Demo MIDI Version - Roland MT-32 - 25ish Days of Christmas - BONUS

Another bonus!  More MIDI!  Again, a few songs sound pretty bad due to the selection of instruments being played on the MT32.  Most of the songs sounded OK, but I think there are a couple of stinkers.

DemoZoo Entry -
Fujiology Download -

I believe this is the last demo item I have that has MIDI music included with it, so this is at least the last bonus of this type!  Anyway, enjoy the pics and the MIDI music from 30 years ago!

Capture info -

This video was captured on October 23, 2019.

The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
The 1040 STf was hooked to a Roland MT-32 with the sound output connected to the OSSC.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.
The 1040 STf was hooked to a Roland MT-32 with the sound output connected to the OSSC to add the MIDI audio to the video.

Video was edited with Shotcut.

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