Here is another entry from DHS 15kbyte music-demo xmas compo 2003. Of note, this entry is from Thomas Huth from the Hatari team!
DemoZoo Entry -
Pouët Entry -
Fujiology Download -
Another interesting note for this demo, if you try to run it in STEEM, it displays a message about using real hardware since it is Christmas time. Otherwise, this is a simple scroller, with changing colors, going through a fireplace scene.
Capture info -
This video was captured on October 22, 2019.
The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.
Video was edited with Shotcut.
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