Since I captured it, I figured I might as well share it as a bonus. A few times I have been asked about issues I have with capturing from my 1040 ST. Well, here is the Crimbo demo where the snow falls and builds up over the snowman, except the snow has completely fallen and filled in all of the background (it doesn't actually do that).
DemoZoo Entry -
Pouët Entry -
Fujiology Download -
I actually did not recognize this issue until I went back later to review all the video captures. Anyway, the demo worked fine from my 1040 STe, so it was used to capture today's video, and this is left as bonus material.
Capture info -
This video was captured on October 22, 2019.
The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.
Video was edited with Shotcut.
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