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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Antic X-mas 1985 Demo - Atari ST Demo MIDI Version - Roland MT-32 - 25ish Days of Christmas - BONUS

Bonus demo already?  Well, yes, but this is the exception, not the rule.  More bonuses are coming, but they will be infrequent.

DemoZoo Entry -
Fujiology Download -

Did I not mention that the previous release did soundchip and MIDI output at the same time?  I must have forgotten...  Really...

Anyway, here is the same demo, this time hooked up to a Roland MT-32, with the MT-32 channels remapped to General MIDI.  No other effort was put into putting this together, so unfortunately the MIDI orchestration of some tunes might sound totally awful. 

Now, step back in time.  The year is 1985, and your Atari ST can now literally be a player piano.  We are talking the dawn of the success of the Atari ST in the MIDI field.  A couple of other demo entries have MIDI as well; hopefully they will receive the same treatment as well.

Capture info -

This video was captured on October 23, 2019.

The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
The 1040 STf was hooked to a Roland MT-32 with the sound output connected to the OSSC.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.
The 1040 STf was hooked to a Roland MT-32 with the sound output connected to the OSSC to add the MIDI audio to the video.

Video was edited with Shotcut.

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