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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [740] Floppy Copy Crew CD #019


Red skies and the grim reaper greet us in Floppy Copy Crew CD #19.

Scroll Text Transcription - 

Contrary to the belief of some..../_`  Utilities and Business@@ disks still rule the world!/// The _` have changed again, I #$ am back because both GENSTER and \]^ have gone legit? to program commercially.///Having said that \]^ is behind me waiting to type another _` scroller for you./// \]^ here:/Being legit is boring you don't get to write scrollers!!//The only person we're missing is the taxi (which leaves me hitch-hiking!)/// A rule from many disks ago was that there would be no slaggings unless they were deserved.....//SLAGGINGS GO TO:/// COMMIE SOFT (Pagestream on 1 % with a game but no fonts!!!  -  Commie-soft also support Saddam Insane   'NUKE IRAQ'  -  NUKE COMMIE SOFT!!)/// Pagestream is 1 meg only as is the original,  The _` didn't really want to release another 1 meg % straight after the last one but as so many other group's version of Pagestream doesn't work we thought it necessary./// Well let's have some credits:/Coding: \]^ (Same code as 18!)//Packing: #$//Music: Mad-Max (From the Sowatt main-menu!!  -  The music is in the menu but not used! so get hacking)//Picture: The Cosmic Pirate///Greetings goto:/// The POMPEY PIRATES (Esp LAWZ)/-/AUTOMATION (Esp Vaps and TBE)/-/The MEDWAY BOYS/-/ST Amigo's (Esp Sheri - thanks for states distribution)/-/The BOUNTY HUNTERS (Thanx for the pic)/-/TEDDYSTACKER/-/WIZARD/-/DREAMWEAVERS/-/SEWER (keep up the docs)/-/The UNION (Esp TCB)/-/SUPERIOR (FOF and DELIGHT)/-/THE NORFOLK BOY/-/THE BBC (Esp ANDY)/-/REPLICANTS (now the best?)/-/And all our other friends in ST land./// If you have any good util's or business software then get in touch with us./Well that about wraps it up. . . . . . .      see you next time (which WILL be quite soon)//////_` members are:/#$/+/[/+/ACID MAN/////////

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