We have a zombie greeting us on Floppy Copy Crew CD #13, nicely drawn too.
Scroll Text Transcription -
// Welcome to _` DISK 13/// The NEW _` @@@/Members are:/ \]^/@@/#$ /@@/ [ /@@/// Guess who can't spell???/// It appears that between us we managed mis-spell EDITEXT on %12 so if your version doesn't work then rename it EDITTEXT.PRG with 2T's//Sorry!!/// Just in case, Sorry for any spelling mistakes in this scroller//Well I suppose we might as well get them out of the way./././././// GREETINGS TO:/// NEWORDER (esp Eddie)/-/THE POMPEY PIRATES (esp Lawz)/-/AUTOMATION (esp Vapour)/-/THE BOUNTY HUNTERS (Esp CP & NICK)/-/F.O.F.T./-/DIRTY TRICKS BRIGADE (The 11 sector disks message was a tip, not a slagging!!)/-/S.T.C.S (Mega big hi to Rach, forgive me?)/-/ELRIC (Thanks for the pics)/-/THE NORFOLK BOY/-/F.O.F./-/THE MEDWAY BOYS/-/THE LOST BOYS (Please read: Certain ex-members of our group decided to release a disk containing source code (including our own), also on this disk was some of the source to your Def-Demo./This was never intended for release, but we can't be held responsible for ex-members actions and will take no flak for such.)/-/WIZARD/-/SEWER SOFTWARE (Nice Docs)/-/TEDDYSTACKER/-/Special Hello to NICK in Bristol (Wot no blitter!!)/-/And to all our FRIENDS out there in ST Land./// Still here??///Hopefully we should have a P.O. BOX soon and then you'll be able to write to us!!/// Just got time to say credits for this disk are:/Music:/Ripped from an Automation menu again!!, hey can you guys stop using fixed address tunes, it takes ages to get them relocatable!!//Coding:/\]^//Packing & Distribution:/#$//Graphics:/[////////RAP//RAP//RAPIDEOOOOOOOOOOOOO!////
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