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Friday, July 23, 2021

Atari ST Compacted Disk (CD) Scrollers [734] Floppy Copy Crew CD #017


The Floppy Copy Crew return with CD #17, and a nice cartoony menu image along for the ride!

Scroll Text Transcription - 

Guess who's back???//OH NO//It's \]^,  That's right I'm here again!!//IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THIS SCROLLER......./// There have been a lot of changes in The _`   &   They are:/I (\]^) am NOT a member    -    #$ has decided to leave the ST scene completely (To spend more time with his family)///New Members :/ELRIC/+/The GENSTER/+/KHAN/+/The Nameless One/// The last person on that list will be credited by his handle as soon as he can come up with one./// There is a lot more information about this menu in the READ.ME file/// Information in brief:  This comes in 2 parts (17A & 17B), disk B contains the map data for Auto-route/// I know K-Spread is an oldish version, but I couldn't fit v4 on the disk!!!!.//Anyone thinking of moaning about Auto-Route not being on 1 disk, you can take your pick between it working or not (like some other Auto-Versions!)./By the way there are quite a few configuration programs on this disk.///  Well I think that concludes the major information that you need to read...//So Greetings goto:///  The POMPEY PIRATES (Esp LAWZ, Glad you like your intro and thanks for the source code, Menu for Pompey soon...)/-/T.B.E. (Hey Eddie give me (\]^) a call,  I've nearly finished your sound-tracker menu)/-/The MEDWAY BOYS (Hey MC, how come no greets?)/-/MANTRONIX (Jimmy, buy a decent ST!!)/-/NEW ORDER (Message to The Camel, contact me for swapping code ideas)/-/AUTOMATION (Esp VAPOUR)/-/The EMPIRE/-/ST Amigo's (Esp Sheri, hope this scroller runs in the states??)/-/MONSTER INCORPORATED 1990(Me!!, as I'm not a member,  I'll greet myself!)/-/The BOUNTY HUNTERS (Looking forward to the Copy-Party guys..)/-//-/TEDDYSTACKER/-/SEWER (nice docs)/-/The UNION (Esp TCB)/-/FLAME OF FINLAND/-/THE NORFOLK BOY/-/STCS (If you are reading this RACH, please send me your address, because I can't find it!!!)/-/And all our other friends in ST land./// /Ego Boooosting credits coming up..........///All Coding:/\]^//Music ripped from Leavin' Teramis by:/\]^//Packing:/\]^//Graphics:/\]^ (That's why they're a bit naff!)/// Software packed with:/POMPEY 1.5 (With improved?? depack colours)/////Let's LOOP////

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