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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Retro PlayThrus C.I.D. Compacted Disk #002 Release!

Mr. (or is it Mrs.?) Sloth is proud to present Retro PlayThrus C.I.D. Compacted Disk #002 for the Atari ST!  This disk contains Cracktros / Intros / Demos that have been posted to the Retro PlayThrus YouTube channel.

A zipped MSA disk image (for use in STEEM/SAINT/Hatari/etc or to be written to floppy) can be downloaded here.

Some credits -
Menu code by MSD/POV
Music from the Black Cats 'The Yo Demo' intro info screen, credited to Mad Max
Most items compressed with UPX 3.95
Menu Pic - PD clip art converted to the ST.

The contents of this disk was tested in STeem with TOS 1.0, and on my US 1040 STf with 1 Meg and TOS 1.4.

Here is a list of the various screens contained in this compilation -

16-Bit Crew / Rocket Ranger
3D Corp - Intro #2
Abyss / The Very Little Intro
BaPAUG / Graphics Demo
Blade Runners / Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh
Blade Runners / Thundercats & Pandora
DATADEMO / The Hacker Crew
Mr. Atari / Defender of the Crown
Mr. Atari / Star Wars
Mr. Atari / Trivial Pursuit
Replicants / Dragons Lair II
Super Mario Show / The Atari Boys
The Big Four / Strider
The Exceptions / Spy Vs Spy
The Union / Thundercats

And a quick sampling of some of the included screens -

Mr. Atari / Star Wars The Exceptions / Spy Vs Spy

BaPAUG / Graphics Demo Blade Runners / Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh

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