Upon firing this cracktro up from the Replicant's, I immediately picture one of Eddie Murphy's best characters, Axel Foley, with the chip tune cover heard here playing with this Replicants production.
DemoZoo Entry - https://demozoo.org/productions/74532/
Fujiology Download - https://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/ST/R/REPS/TSTDRIV2.ZIP
This production was attached to The Replicants release of Test Drive 2. There is no traditional scroller here. The info text scrolls up from the bottom, with 'The Replicants' logo, well, 3 of them, spinning around at the top like a roller pin. And the chip tune mentioned previously? That is from the master of the Atari ST sound chip at the time, Mad Max. This video captures the whole song, so the scroll goes by a few times! I like this screen, but maybe it is just the Beverly Hills Cop connection...
Capture info -
This video was captured on August 24, 2021.
This video was captured with STeem and OBS.
Video was edited with Shotcut.
Scroll Text Transcription -
PRESENT !"#'()!"#'()!"#'()!"$%&*+,$%&*+,$%&*+,$%'() TEST DRIVE II '(*+, THE DUEL *+!"#'()!"#'()!"#'()!"$%&*+,$%&*+,$%&*+,$% CRACKED BY R.AL LITTLE INTRO BY R.AL MUSAX BY MAD MAX GRAPHICS BY CRAZY REX STCNX COBRA REPLICANTS !"#'()!"#'()!"#'()!"$%&*+,$%&*+,$%&*+,$% FAST GREETINGS TO .................ZAE.......WEIRD SCIENCE.......TWO LIFE CREW.................TSG.................TMB................THOR...........THE UNION..THE POMPEY PIRATES.......THE LOST BOYS............THE BROD.................TDI.................TDA.................TCB................SYNC........ST CONNEXION......SEWER SOFTWARE.............QUARTET.............PHALANX...............OMEGA................NEXT.........MEDWAY BOYS.................MCA..........MAD VISION.......LEVEL SIXTEEN................JOHN........INNER CIRCLE...............HOWDY.............HOTLINE........GENERATION X................FOXX................FOFT.................FOF......FLEXIBLE FRONT.........DELTA FORCE.............DELIGHT.................DMA..........DAMAGE INC......BLACK MONOLITH...............BILBO............BAD BOYS.................AVB..........AUTOMATION............ALLIANCE.................ACUAND YOU READING THISSCROLL...
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