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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Atari ST CrackTro [005] Mr. Atari from Star Wars

Main Screen
I will not have too many stories to write for 'Cracktros' (Demo screens that appeared as introductions to cracked video games) as I did not have very many of these back in the day.  I am mainly recording these now because they are art, and need to be preserved.  I will also attempt to transcribe the scroll text, which will be posted in a companion blog entry linked above.

Seeing that there are only three to four Mr. Atari intros, I continued with capturing them.  I do like the fact that the graphic used with the intro ties right into the game.  Can't go wrong with Tie Fighters!

DemoZoo Entry -
Fujiology Download (Extracted ST Intro Only!) -

Capture info -

This video was captured on March 14, 2018.

The demo was played on an Atari 1040 STf, TOS 1.4, 1MB, equipped with a CosmosEX from Jookie.
A Best Electronics ST Monitor to VGA cable was used, connected to an OSSC 1.6 (processing the video in Line4x mode), with the output being captured by a Startech USB3HDCAP.

Video was edited with Shotcut.

Transcription of the Scroll Text:

Star Wars was cracked by Mr. ATARI on 18-11-87!!   Greetings to: Robin of Desaster Area, KGM, MMC, DMA, Hcc, TEX, CSS, Blowfly, Dr. Byte, B.O.S.S., Uli, Hulk, BCC, Paulchen, GMC, TNT-Crew.   This intro was written by The Gigabyte Crew!! The nice music was made by Jochen from TEX!!   (WRAP)

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